Monday, May 25, 2009


Recently I've become more and more interested in narratives. Working in a still media, how do I tell a long story with only one image. I could add text, on the print itself or as an artist statement. Or as I have been doing working in a sequence, or series of images. A series of still images has advantages over actual video, as you can stare at each image and appreciate it more than those 24 frames that go by in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, as I am attempting to create a narrative or sense of time or sequence with my images I yearn to work in video, to record motion as it is, or just capture a pan that would just be a blur in a still camera. I think it would start out as just crap artsy movies, but I think if I keep at it, just like I plan to keep working with narratives, and sequences something more can come out of it, like my Photo II final, which I should really scan...

Anyway I got back to Philly today after a couple weeks in New Jersey, did some exploring on the roof, before I move out. Noticed the ladder was missing a rung as I climbed up, probably good that it was my last time on the roof, that ladder won't last much longer. I took in some of the scenery, enjoyed the slowly setting sun, the freedom of being alone, and tried one last time to photograph the roof. What I came up with was, for me, a refreshing look at a place I love to go to, and probably won't be back to for a while.

Untitled Diptych

Airplane and Aerial

These are all from today so hopefully some more fully thought ideas will surface soon.

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