Friday, December 4, 2009

Figure Study


Recently I've gotten back into self portraits, I feel like I haven't made any in a long time, but these could be as much figure studies as they are self portraits.I shaved my head again so I could redo and improve on some of the images I shot the last time I cut my hair this short, but this time I had someone check the focus so they would be sharp!

I've tried to take this image a step further by juxtaposing it with a darker print, which was a stab at diptychs, and an attempted at furthering my self portrait. Making it more than just an image of myself. I thought I would take an astrological route and go with the twins, which represent my zodiac sign, gemini.


Its taken me all month and I've never finished my post... I wanted this to be my idea for my final project for Basic Studio, because I enjoyed the extremely dark tones contrasting with the regular tones in the right images, also from the symbolism resulting from the diptych, at least my take from it. Ultimately I think I failed miserably (I did pass the class!) at realizing this idea, specifically from a technical stand point, which is the most infuriating (although I did this image digitally, not in the darkroom as was required for the final), as I considered myself somewhat adept at that part of photography even if I end up coming short in the concept part.

I want to work out the technical kinks next semester and possibly switch to color, I just need to find some skinny dudes to continue this series with, self portraits take forever!

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