Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Creativity is a curious thing.

It comes and goes as it pleases, it is difficult to control, and when you can't seem to come by any of it, it is the most frustrating thing in the world.

That being said, I am not lacking creativity at the moment, hence why I am writing this post.

I feel that the best way to use your creativity is to express it, while this isn't a ground breaking theory, it should really become my mantra. I rue every day where I just sit around and don't take a single photo or do something creative. On days when I am having the most fun I am awash with ideas. Like my ideas, my post have little reasoning or structure to them, which some regard as very painful to read, but having this unedited (but spell checked) stream of thought allows for a more honest expression.

Currently this post has lost its focus, but I was spurred to right it by the great success I was having editing some photos I took a while back.

When I post them that post will be focused on how digital photography allows for much more spontaneity and creativity due to the nature of being able to undo and redo things with much ease. More on that later, back to using my creativity for photography, as creativity is fugitive and I must catch it while I can.

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