Sunday, May 25, 2008

Twip Photo

So being the photo lover I am I try to find as much information about photography as possible, whether it be a tutorial, a review or a podcasts I try to glean as much as I can from them. One podcast I listen to is This week in photography which is just a general photo podcast which has varying topics. While there is lots of information to be gleaned from these professionals I can't help but notice how egotistical some of the hosts are. I understand that you make your living shooting photographs, but do you need to point out on every single show how many mega pixels your camera has or how much you spent on the camera body and lenses. Its wonderful that you have Canon EOS 1D Mark III with many L-series lenses, but you can take a beautiful picture with a Holga, and still make a large print.

I'm sure there are lots of big egos in the photo world, but I'm sure there are egos in all groups and you just have to get used to them. I think one of my goals in life is no matter how successful or unsuccessful (hopefully successful) that I will never be a photo snob.

(The photo has nothing to do with this post, but I'm just a fan of the photo, plus its not shot with top of the line equipment. Just my D40 a kit lens, and an almost 20 year old flash.)

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