Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just wondering

What exactly is this thing?
Well more specifically whats going with this?
Any ideas?

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well its not really "rama" since its only one panoramic but I want to do more.

Self/Gum printing

I've been working a lot by/with myself lately. Hair cut is major reason why, its a change that makes me want to shoot. Distracting hair is gone, the face is more prominent.

While it is nice to photograph myself I need to start working with models again. My next photo II project is probably going to be lacking in people so side projects will hopefully be portrait full (If I can find time!)

I love trying out different formats, the square is quite challenging, but its nice to have that. Most of my squares have been crops from 35mm and digital, but I'm going to shoot the Hasselblad in DC next weekend! The way these photos lined up great, but having them the same with ties them together much better than how I originally planned to display then, horizontally.

I want to try more mixed media, drawing on prints, collage, etc. Non silver is great for getting hands on with a print (although I probably shouldn't, chemicals are bad!) but I need to try taking it further.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Form, meaning, body

I got rid of my hair this weekend.

I had been planning on doing it for a while, but I needed something to push me to do it.

My friend Anna shaved her head this weekend, and looks amazing, so I thought I would go ahead and shave my head as well. We really need to do some portraits together, they would be rad.

I enjoy not having longer hair as it gets in the way of form. Its still a bit chilly, but the portraits I feel inspired to take make up for the cool breeze. Plus the air feels great running through my lack of hair. I'm not sure exactly what meaning these photographs are supposed to have. They seem deeper than pure form, but still remain rather ambiguous to me. A foreboding feeling surrounds them. I'd like to keep working on this idea, but maybe not self portraits. Any one with a shaved head want to model?

Monday, March 23, 2009

If I believed in higher beings

I would thank them for inventing chocolate.

and pancakes, because that is the greatest delivery vessel of chocolate.

Pretty much I made chocolate chip pancakes, and they were awesome.

I meant to take picture of their awesomeness, but I was hungry.

In other news I cut my hair.

Thanks Kori! :D

A simple contraption.

I found a pinhole lens in my pocket today.

It reminded me how simple a camera can be.
Today camera bodies can cost $8,000
and that super sharp zoom lens upward of 1,500.

However one can build an incredibly sharp camera with a few simple things.
Black foam core, tape, a can, and a pin.

Today I was lusting after the Fuji 617

I think I'll build a pano-pinhole instead.

The pinhole lens does wonders for photobooth :-p

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Occasionally I ask my cat,

"What do you want? What do YOU want?"

Sometimes I think I'm really asking myself.

Blurb #1

Often during critiques I feel as though I am being critiqued or at least an extension of myself is. I sometimes visualize myself being pinned to the wall and people citing every imperfection and suggesting ways that I/my work could be improved. Every flaw I want pointed out, merely for the sake of improving the piece, strengthening the meaning, and increasing the impact. Often my position during a critique is one of defense, rebuttal, and response but I think it would be better to sit back, take notes, and watched my work get examined with precision of an eagle's eye.

But I doubt that will happen soon.

On a side note, any ideas about how to suspend someone from a bulletin board?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lightroom to Darkroom

Recently I've start to simply scan my negatives instead of making contact sheets. While this isn't the most time efficient process, it allows me to figure out where I want to take a print all without using any paper. The best part is trying to figure out how to translate a digital version of a negative back into a silver print. There are no sliders in the darkroom, just lots of knobs. So translating an image can be kind of confusing, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Some images however will never quite make the transition back from the digital world, like this one, since the colors only appeared when it was scanned.
However this photo wouldn't have been as interesting without of the real world dust, scratches, and water marks (No photoshop :D ) Never the less it would still be great to be able to bring this back into the darkroom and print it.

End of a long day

More accurately this should be end of a long week, but its not over yet.

Its been an enjoyable week, spent most of it in the darkroom, or passing out from lack of sleep (see spending most of it in the darkroom) But I made a lot of prints, some tintypes (:D) and I bought some liquid light! So now I can make really large prints for relatively cheap (large paper is ungodly expensive!)

But back to today. Woke up extra early to get to class on time, tintypes (which are super exciting and difficult to perfect) got me super pumped for class!

Had a crit in Photo II after 6 hours of tintyping it up, which was interesting. It started out with a half hour of just silent critique where we went around I just wrote our thoughts on the images, no talking, just contemplating, and giving feedback. I haven't had the time to read mine yet, but it was a great way to start the crit. I felt a bit rushed, I wanted to spend more time admiring everyones work but we did spent a decent amount of time on it. The rest of the crit was pretty usual, some works evoking more responces than other, but overall a good group of work from everyone.

Getting home was awesome. Mostly because I cooked food.
Like real food.
Like rice.
And chili.
Chili is so good.
However my ratio of rice to chili was a bit off. At the start one cup of rice and one can of chili start out very similar in size, but having never actually cooked rice before I was unaware how much the rice expands. Either way, I was craving a real meal, (I had a chocolate shake at Potbelly's earlier, which was awesome but not wholesome) so I ate it all anyway.
The rice was a bit too hard, I'll have to cook it longer next time...

On a last note I caught the President of the United States of Americaaaaaaa on the tonight show, which is really awesome. He made valid points, and even joked a little bit, even talking about an exploding toaster at one point (it related) I don't know how it ended because sometime around the end I just passsed out (sleeeeep, I need more sleeep) So I kind of remember it like this.
And now its time to sleep.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center

Today I visited the Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center in Washington, New Jersey. Its nestled in the woods hidden away a bit off of the highway, but its certainly worth trying to find (we almost drove past it). I wasn't really sure what to expect until I checked the website, I had pictured a much more traditional looking temple exterior, but rather it is a modern looking building.

The entrance to the complex is easily recognized, as one passes through a large gate to enter the grounds. Going towards the temple itself is similar passing under an arch and up stairs leads you to a building that would not appear unfamiliar were it not surrounded by prayer scrolls. My friend who had brought me informed me that you could spin the scrolls to release the prayers (I was rather cautious the whole time and didn't touch them)

Barefoot, just like the worshipers
Entering the temple proper was a rather interesting experience, we had to remove our shoes before entering, but once inside we could see all of the large square room. The entire back wall was an altered filled with tapestry, statues of various sizes, flowers, and various offerings. On the right side of the back wall were numerous scrolls filling cubbies that ran the height of the wall.
The center piece to this alter were three large statues under a skylight, a golden Buddha, another smaller golden statue on the right and a dark bejeweled statue on the left. Ringing the room were photographs and tapestries dedicated to various individuals who were important to the center. Included were many photographs of the Dalai Lama, who has visited the center 6 times, a plaque of Geshes Wangyal the founder of the center, and several elaborate tapestries of Buddhist figures.

detail of the alter, one of the numerous figures
The center offers prayer and meditation every Sunday, as well as Buddhist philosophy classes Wednesday nights. In the summer the center also offers seminars over several weekends in which one can learn more in depth about Buddhism. In addition the center has an annual founders day at the beginning of February, and a Maitreya Festival each summer. The festival, from what I read on the website, is in honor of the future Buddha, Maitreya, and has a message from the Dalai Lama, prayers recited by monks, food, and entertainment.

The Stupa

The Stupa
A Stupa is shrine or memorial, this one in particular is dedicated to the founder of the center the late Geshe Wangyal who passed away in 1983. According to the website, the 21 foot tall Stupa contains the ashes of Geshe Wangyal in clay statues as well as many relics, scroll, and mantras, all encased in the concrete structure. The Dalai Lama himself consecrated the Stupa in 1984.

My visit to the center today was rather brief, it was a Saturday so not much was going on, but we were allowed full access to the temple, which was great. Hopefully I will be able to return to the center soon, and meet more of the people who go there to pray, meditate, and learn. It will also be wonderful to return in the spring to see the complex and all the greenery in all its glory.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Night Rider!

I love driving at night.
(Not driving at night, but still night)

It is the best time to drive. No other drivers on the road! Well almost none, but if they weren't any one else driving who would we play the high beam game with? My only qualm with driving at night is that it is difficult to drive and take pictures at the same time.
(oh well c'est la vie...)

I'm content though, a calm night driving, enjoying the scenery that is illuminated by my head lights flying by as I weave through back roads savoring every twist, turn, and hugged corner.

I'm so fortunate that it finally cleared up, the way this week was going I thought it would be completely overcast the entire week. I finally got some of the shots I'd plan to do, (which hopefully will make it onto the interwebs, I've got a lot of 4x5s to process :D ) and I brought the digital to get some shots I wasn't planning on. Of course now that I could finally see the sun I took some photos of the moon. Nothing like some photos turning out to make a good day even better.

(Instant gratification, but still its not quite a Polaroid)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Break

Today is the day before spring break.
Well more like the few hours before spring break.

I have a mere 2 and a half hours to kill, (which I should probably use to catch up on Doctor Faustus) and then I am free for a week.

Its really not a big slow down, or really a break. I've made numerous lists and diagrams of the various photos I plan to shoot, and written pages of notes to make sure I don't forget to do anything over the break.

Right now its super chill though. In the foundation computer lab, "doing my job", and scanning a few things from non silver. This is probably the closest thing to a slow down I'll get until summer comes (and I have to pay to process film, gross). So I should really enjoy that there are 4 or 5 people in here, and the only noise is the clacking of keys (which I really enjoy, these old apple keyboards sound great) and clicking of mice (which isn't as nice sounding) but I got a coffee because I didn't get enough sleep so I'm a bit antsy.

On the plus side, being up super early allowed me to print a 16x20 image, which is always fun, but something I rarely do because there are few images I want to blow up that large. I shot some 6x7 negatives on the Mamiya RZ67 (my new dream camera) and they look gorgeous enlarged (even the ones I shot on TMAX 400, which are super grainy compared to the Ilford FP4 and the Fuji Neopan 400). I don't have a scan of the negative on me (although I do need to visit the copy camera so I can document all the prints I have been making this semester).

Nonsilver stuff has been super easy to document since I've mostly been working with 4x5s and the prints fit nicely on scanners. I need to take photos of the prints I've made for my other classes. I made some wonderful transfers in Surface Altered, but I'm not quite sure how to document them. They are translucent so preferably they should be backlit. Perhaps the awesome photo scanners will do the trick. They have two lights, for more awesomeness.

This keyboard is super dirty, I wish I had some purell.

I mean it kind of gives it some character, but if it were from a book it would definitely be a shady character that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley way.


Wooo layer two of a gum print I've been working on, just thought I'd break up the post with an image.


I going to be doing a lot of shooting over the break, but if anyone would like to join me (or pose for me) in some 4x5 large format fun feel free to!

And on that note, I'm going to wash my hands, again, super gross keyboard.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh my god its March and there is snow on the ground.

That pretty much sums up this week. Lots of printing, lots of snow, and its March, madness.

Crazy build up to spring break. I can't wait, lots of shooting with a 4x5, which hopefully will go just as well as my weekend with the Mamiya RZ 67, which was awesome.

Run on sentences run amok in my writing, but that is why I try to take pictures. Hopefully I can post some if the world slows down. Filming tomorrow night after classes.
