Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Form, meaning, body

I got rid of my hair this weekend.

I had been planning on doing it for a while, but I needed something to push me to do it.

My friend Anna shaved her head this weekend, and looks amazing, so I thought I would go ahead and shave my head as well. We really need to do some portraits together, they would be rad.

I enjoy not having longer hair as it gets in the way of form. Its still a bit chilly, but the portraits I feel inspired to take make up for the cool breeze. Plus the air feels great running through my lack of hair. I'm not sure exactly what meaning these photographs are supposed to have. They seem deeper than pure form, but still remain rather ambiguous to me. A foreboding feeling surrounds them. I'd like to keep working on this idea, but maybe not self portraits. Any one with a shaved head want to model?

1 comment:

  1. we should do some portraits together! Of our big bald heads! haha
