Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Break

Today is the day before spring break.
Well more like the few hours before spring break.

I have a mere 2 and a half hours to kill, (which I should probably use to catch up on Doctor Faustus) and then I am free for a week.

Its really not a big slow down, or really a break. I've made numerous lists and diagrams of the various photos I plan to shoot, and written pages of notes to make sure I don't forget to do anything over the break.

Right now its super chill though. In the foundation computer lab, "doing my job", and scanning a few things from non silver. This is probably the closest thing to a slow down I'll get until summer comes (and I have to pay to process film, gross). So I should really enjoy that there are 4 or 5 people in here, and the only noise is the clacking of keys (which I really enjoy, these old apple keyboards sound great) and clicking of mice (which isn't as nice sounding) but I got a coffee because I didn't get enough sleep so I'm a bit antsy.

On the plus side, being up super early allowed me to print a 16x20 image, which is always fun, but something I rarely do because there are few images I want to blow up that large. I shot some 6x7 negatives on the Mamiya RZ67 (my new dream camera) and they look gorgeous enlarged (even the ones I shot on TMAX 400, which are super grainy compared to the Ilford FP4 and the Fuji Neopan 400). I don't have a scan of the negative on me (although I do need to visit the copy camera so I can document all the prints I have been making this semester).

Nonsilver stuff has been super easy to document since I've mostly been working with 4x5s and the prints fit nicely on scanners. I need to take photos of the prints I've made for my other classes. I made some wonderful transfers in Surface Altered, but I'm not quite sure how to document them. They are translucent so preferably they should be backlit. Perhaps the awesome photo scanners will do the trick. They have two lights, for more awesomeness.

This keyboard is super dirty, I wish I had some purell.

I mean it kind of gives it some character, but if it were from a book it would definitely be a shady character that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley way.


Wooo layer two of a gum print I've been working on, just thought I'd break up the post with an image.


I going to be doing a lot of shooting over the break, but if anyone would like to join me (or pose for me) in some 4x5 large format fun feel free to!

And on that note, I'm going to wash my hands, again, super gross keyboard.

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