Saturday, March 14, 2009

Night Rider!

I love driving at night.
(Not driving at night, but still night)

It is the best time to drive. No other drivers on the road! Well almost none, but if they weren't any one else driving who would we play the high beam game with? My only qualm with driving at night is that it is difficult to drive and take pictures at the same time.
(oh well c'est la vie...)

I'm content though, a calm night driving, enjoying the scenery that is illuminated by my head lights flying by as I weave through back roads savoring every twist, turn, and hugged corner.

I'm so fortunate that it finally cleared up, the way this week was going I thought it would be completely overcast the entire week. I finally got some of the shots I'd plan to do, (which hopefully will make it onto the interwebs, I've got a lot of 4x5s to process :D ) and I brought the digital to get some shots I wasn't planning on. Of course now that I could finally see the sun I took some photos of the moon. Nothing like some photos turning out to make a good day even better.

(Instant gratification, but still its not quite a Polaroid)

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